Zooey Deschanel and Paul Schneider
Zooey Deschanel and Paul Schneider in All
the Real Girls.

Passion beats experience.

In some cases, passion can be more valuable than experience.

Leave room for discovery.

Don’t become too locked into an idea. Leave room for

Trust your eye.

Sometimes the meter says “No!” but your gut says “Yes!”
Often the willingness to take chances leads to the best work.

Seek out inspiration.

If at all possible, work on films that inspire you.
This may mean taking less money on a lower budget film, or turning
projects down to hold out for something good. The difference in
working on something that you can pour your heart into is immense.

Regrets last forever.

Stand up for what you believe in. Regrets in cinema
last forever!

Filmography for Tim Orr

Dandelion (2003)
All the Real Girls (2003)
Even Hand (2002)
The Rough South of Larry Brown (2002)
Raising Victor Vargas (2002)
George Washington (2000)
