This workshop is designed to educate producers, directors and cinematographers about the best practices of shooting with Red One. This workshop navigates filmmakers through every aspect of high-end digital cinematography. The Red One camera has revolutionized the world of independent filmmaking. In the last year hundreds of projects, from small indies to huge blockbusters like “District 9,” utilized Red’s 35mm censor and 4k resolution.
However, this cutting-edge technology has introduced a lot of questions: How does Red One compare to 35mm film, HD and other digital cameras? What are the cost advantages and disadvantages of Red? What is the best workflow for handling Red on the set and in post-production? How will shooting on Red One effect the sales potential of the film?
This workshop is designed to educate producers, directors and cinematographers about the best practices of shooting with Red One and navigate filmmakers through the minefield of high-end digital cinematography.
Red One Camera Workshop is co-presented by Persona Films, an award-winning film and commercial production company based in New York City and Twitch Post, a post-production boutique specializing in Red workflow in post.