The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023)


We’d have more video game movies to pick from, save for one thing. Nintendo was out of the gate early. 1993’s Super Mario Bros. was the first film made adapted from a video game. Not just a video game, but the quintessential video game series. It also turned out terrible. Critics and moviegoers loathed it and it turned into a total flop. Because of this, Nintendo spent decades refusing to allow its games to be adapted.

Eventually, though, Nintendo agreed to let Mario and company feature in another movie. This time around, it would be animated and actually somewhat follow the narrative of the games. Bowser, for example, is not a humanoid mutant played by Dennis Hopper. While some quibbled with Chris Pratt voicing Mario, Jack Black was fun as Bowser, the animation looked great, and The Super Mario Bros. Movie made a ton of money, paving the way for more Nintendo movies to come.

This is one of the most watchable and fun movies based on video games.

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